Overview of the Training Course
Sun Microsystems’ Java unique architecture enables programmers to develop platform independent, object-oriented, scalable, n-tier applications. In this course you gain extensive experience with Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and its object-oriented features to develop robust enterprise applications. You also learn how to use key components of the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), including Servlets & JSP technologies and Struts Framework to create dynamic data-driven Web applications.
SCJP or Sun Certified Java Programming certification training program by CHROMEIS enables participants to design J2EE applications according to the most efficient and recommended conventions of IT industry. Through this course, attendees gain extensive experience with Java Standard Edition (Java SE) and its object-oriented features to develop robust enterprise applications. You also learn how to use key components of the Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE), including Servlets & JSP technologies and Struts Framework to create dynamic data-driven Web applications.
After this course an attendee will be able to:
- Develop an understanding of Java Platform including J2SE J2EE
- Apply object-oriented concepts like encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, polymorphism and composition in Java applications
- Build robust, secure distributed applications using advanced Java programming
- Exploit advance language features including interfaces, collections, exceptions and multithread application development
- Build multi-tier, robust and scalable data-driven web applications using J2EE
- Integrate Java Beans Custom Tags in JSP to minimize scriptlet code
- Build robust, secure distributed applications using advanced Java programming
- Develop flexible data-aware applications using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- Implement Web Tier J2EE patterns such as MVC, DAO Business Delegate
- Develop web application using famous Struts Framework.
Programming in Java
- Introduction to Java Platform
- Fundamentals of Java Programming
- Object Oriented Programming-1
- Object Oriented Programming-2
- Regular Expression & Collection Framework
- Exceptions + Jar & Javadoc Utility
- Handling Input & output in Java(I/O Streams)
- Implementing Multithreading Applications
- Database Programming using JDBC
- Essentials of Java EE Web Application
- Setting up Java EE Web Application
- Understanding the Servlet Model
- Developing Java Server pages(JSPs)
- Asynchronous Java Script & XML ( AJAX )
- Managing Sessions & Application Context
- Integrating Web Application with Databases
- Structs Framework
- Java Server Faces (JSF)
- Securing Web Application
- Developing & Using Custom Tags
- Web Tier Design Patterns.

Premium toppings, because we're different
- Secure “unlimited free for life” revisions for this course by paying just 20% extra when you sign up.
- Buy CHROMEIS premium exam for additional $10
Course Project
Participants will develop a commercial level distributed database with help of their trainer. They will also plan & implement its replication on multiple servers as well as backup & restoration of the database.
Training Philosophy
Around 32 contact hours
Training contents have been developed by Industry professionals
Detailed discussions and experience sharing. Case studies from across industries
Interactive sessions, promoting inquisitive audience
Self assessment assignments
Training contents have been developed by Industry professionals
Detailed discussions and experience sharing. Case studies from across industries
Interactive sessions, promoting inquisitive audience
Self assessment assignments
Certifications and Reward
Aim for following certifications:
SCJP: Sun Certified Java Programmer SCWCD: Sun Certified Web Component Developer CHROMEIS: Certified of attendance
You should be prepared to pass for below exams:
SCJP: Sun Certified Java Programmer
After attending the course, you’ll earn below certificates to showcase:
CHROMEIS Certificate of Attendance of subject training CHROMEIS Certified SQL Server Professional (subject to passing CHROMEIS quiz)
Program Fee and Discount
Various ways to save money
10% discount: on a group of at least 2 participants 25% discount: on a group of 4 participants with early registration 50% discount: (if you've previously taken this course from us)
Other Question?
Please contact us and our 24X7 team will be happy to answer your queries.
You can also call (03)-111-000-229 or drop email to trainings @ chromeis.com