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Basic Computer Skills

Basic Computer Skills

  • Date 17-Jan-19
  • Starts 12:45 am
  • Venue Venue
  • Location Location

Indeed, the use of a television set as a display almost defines the pre-PC home computer!
You pay significant amount to get your computer running like it did when it was new, right? Now stop paying every-time and learn to fix it yourself.

In this course, you acquire necessary knowledge and hands-on experience to troubleshoot with common problems with a PC hardware and Microsoft Windows. It includes various commonly used software like MS office, email and chatting as well as applying parental guard on PC to prevent children from unwanted websites.
The goal of this program is to enable home users to use computer (windows) comfortably, such that they can install / update windows on their on. Install software, upgrade, troubleshoot and create home network as well.

After this course student will be able to:

  • Be self dependent in using PC and working-out beginners level office documentation.
  • Enable home users to be comfortable in troubleshooting and solve common problems without help.
  • Enable home users to save money by meeting above objectives.
Contents at a Glance
Following topics will be discussed during sessions:

  • Overview of MS Windows
  • Install Windows (Windows XP or Windows 7)
  • Installing drivers and accessories / devices
  • Create and use email address
    • Send/Receive emails on website
    • Send/Receive emails through outlook
    • Configure on mobile
  • Installing Office and other software packages
  • MS Office
    • Understanding MS Powerpoint and creating basic level presentation
    • Understanding MS Word and creating documents
    • Understanding MS Excel and creating spreadsheets, data entry and implementing basic formula
  • Internet
    • Browsing and Chatting
    • Use internet for information
    • Use internet for Entertainment
    • Protect children from unwanted websites
  • Hardware
    • Understand various PC components and their functionality
    • Assembling and disassembling of PC components
    • Diagnose faulty component in case of hardware failure
Course Project
Hands-on assignments including assembling of PC components, installing windows and preparing a presentation on “PC for beginners”.
Training Philosophy
Around 24 contact hours
Answers to your problems by Professionals
Tips and tricks from experts
Interactive sessions, promoting inquisitive audience

Certifications and Rewards
CHROMEIS Certificate of Participation
CHROMEIS Certified Expert PC User

Program Fee and Discounts
Please contact us for course fee details or drop email to trainings @ chromeis.com

10% discount on a group of at least 2 participants
25% discount on group of 4 participant with early registration
50% discount for Candidates seeking revision

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